grandMA3 Light with accessories


  • The GrandMA3 Lite Desk is the compact model of the full-size GrandMA3 offering, featuring a multi-touch surface area, ability to access Wide Area Networks (WAN), dual encoders, a lightweight chassis and a sophisticated thermal design.
  • The grandMA3 light console is the work-horse of the range. It provides the perfect combination of power and physical size. The grandMA3 light console is suitable for all making it probably the most versatile lighting console available.
  • Featuring 60 physical playbacks, 16 assignable x-keys and a dedicated master playback section the grandMA3 light console provides plenty of playback options.
  • Huge multi-touch screen real-estate provides instant access to programming tools and is fully configurable to suit individual needs. The two letterbox screens are context sensitive and dedicated to providing feedback and options for the grandMA3 light console playback and encoder hardware. The grandMA3 light console includes 8,192 control parameters as standard, using the advanced MA-Net3 protocol, grandMA3 systems can output up to 250,000 parameters and there are three sizes of grandMA3 processing units to expand the console parameter count


  • grandMA3 Light
  • grandMA3 Light Cover
  • grandMA3 Desk Lamp
  • 16A to TRUE1 Adapter

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